Pet Sitting, Drop-in visits and Play-sitting
Pet sitting is an excellent alternative to boarding and is the preferred option for many dogs and their families. One full day of Pet sitting consists of three visits, and for any part of your trip that is a partial day, we also offer drop-in visits. These visits include feeding, playing in the yard, belly rubs, and any medications needed. This service is available year-round and includes holidays and weekends.
Pet sitting – $65 per full day ( 1 dog)
Each additional dog in the same household is $25 per dog.
Drop-in visits $25 per visit (1 dog)
Each additional dog in the same household is $5 per dog
Play sitting is a one-of-a-kind service that pairs doggie daycare with pet sitting. Play sitting is ideal for high-energy dogs that prefer the comfort of home versus staying in a kennel setting. While you’re away on vacation, your dog(s) will be picked up with an early morning visit for feeding and to go potty. They will join us for a day of fun and games with friends and return home between 5 p.m. and 7 pm for dinner and another potty break. Later that night, our staff will stop by for a late-night potty break and some belly rubs. This service is available Monday- Friday; the weekends consist of pet-sitting visits only.
Play sitting $75 per full day (1 dog)
Each additional dog in the same household $50 per dog
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Slots are limited – guarantee your pet’s spot at Kennedy K9 Camp today!
Serving Plympton, Halifax, Kingston, Hanson, Carver and Middleboro, MA.